Web Content Maintenance: Boost SEO and Keep Your Site Fresh and Effective

web content maintenance content strategy
Web Content Maintenance

Maintaining Web Content

A Quick Status Check

  • Has your web content been updated since the website went LIVE?

  • Does your website still have pages that are blank or carry the ‘Coming Soon’ message?

  • Have you stopped using your website as a marketing tool?

  • Are you forced to support your web content with additional marketing materials like brochures and presentations?

  • Does your website have plagiarized or junk content?

If the answer to any of these is in the affirmative, your website content needs maintenance. Businesses are always in a state of flux. Evolving business strategies demand that newer products, services, pricing models, team credentials, and milestones be regularly updated on the website. After all, a website is expected to be an updated ready reference about a business.

In this era of digital marketing, no business can achieve its full potential without having a robust content strategy encompassing content planning, creation, and execution.

Why Do Websites Need Content Updates?

Dynamic Websites (think News websites)

  • Dynamic websites (like company intranets and news portals) are content guzzlers. You need a robust content pipeline to keep it relevant and running.

  • Such websites have various content buckets that demand an uninterrupted supply of quality content.

  • Several content sources submit tens or even hundreds of content pages each day. This content needs to be adapted, streamlined, and uploaded into the specific bucket along with relevant visuals and attributions.

  • Even your users ask questions, review products, and demand interactions online. This keeps you on your toes as you grapple between maintenance and up-keep on one hand and creation, collation, editing, and execution on the other.

  • These websites are generally driven by real-time developments and trends (called topical content) which need to be written about.

Business Needs (think corporate websites)

  • Product and services updates and upgrades

  • Highlighting achievements, accreditations, and affiliations

  • Commentary by in-house experts

  • Maintaining the tone and language

  • Updating statutory data

  • Industry benchmarking

Marketing Requirements (think e-commerce websites)

  • Incorporating newer keywords for SEO

  • Rewriting for a newer positioning/change in the demography of the target audience

  • Special promotions for new products/services

  • Adding content for buying guides, user guides, product reviews, and infographics

  • Uploading articles, chat features, other dynamic modules

  • Adding content to aid navigation and site experience

Maintaining For Search Engine Optimization

There are millions of websites in cyberspace and these carry an unfathomable amount of information. What differentiates your website from any other is its focus, relevance, and applicability.

If your website has old or plagiarized content, chances are that it is long lost amidst the deluge of new information that Google crawls each day. To keep your readers interested, you need to regularly create and upload new and unique content. Maintaining your web content and regularly adding fresh write-ups is an important input to getting noticed and making it to the top of the organic search results page.

How Is Managing Web Content Different From Writing Afresh?

Starting from a blank slate is like getting the freedom to run across an open field. There are no boundaries and you go on exploring possibilities. Maintaining, however, is like running on a treadmill; there is limited room for deviation. To take up a web content maintenance project, one needs to evaluate the existing content carefully and pick up relevant concepts and styles. Adding researched keywords and presenting information in a synchronized manner follows.

Maintaining SEO Performance

Everybody has a website, but only a few realize its true potential. It does not matter (too much) how your website looks, what matters is what it can do for your business. It is a powerful sales tool which can deliver qualified customer leads right into your inbox!

To do this, and to do it consistently, you need maintenance activities recommended by a customized and detailed website analytics report. Designing a search engine-friendly website, writing keyword-rich content, and installing the Google Analytics code into your website are just steps to start with!

One needs to periodically (ideally every 3 months) evaluate Google Analytics reports, match them with business goals and marketing plans, and take business decisions based on its recommendations. This can help you make the most of your online presence, improve your PageRank, and harness the power of search engine optimization for transforming your sales initiatives.

Here Is What An Analytics Report Carries

  • Traffic received by your website

  • The number of unique and returning visitors

  • Popular pages and navigation patterns

  • Bounce rates (single, short page visits)

  • Geographical user location

  • Content overview and suggestions for improvement

  • Evaluation of keyword and campaign performance

When you opt for a dedicated SEO report writing service, you can rest assured because your business decisions are based on actual trends and statistics. Every action and expense can be evaluated and monitored through the very powerful Google Analytics platform!


In order to understand your requirements, we start by evaluating your existing websites/brochures/business content. Based on your business goals, we develop a comprehensive style-guide and suggest content and design-related enhancements and interventions. Our expert teams can help you spot and eliminate aberrations, allowing you to have flawless, relevant, and refreshed content across touchpoints.

If this is what you are looking for, talk to us. We can offer flexible web content maintenance packages.

Visit us www.lexiconn.in or drop us a line at content@lexiconn.in.

LexiConn also offers a free 30-minute content consultation session to help you with your content strategy.

Let's discuss how we can collaborate to unlock growth opportunities for your organization.

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