Remember reading a book you just couldn’t put down? Or maybe an advertisement that made you take your eyes off your smartphone and glance at the TV instead? Both these probably had two meeting points – a great story.
Stories have been circulated since time immemorial. They’ve intrigued us as children and empowered us as adults, they have jolted us as thinking men and women, and propelled us as nations. It wasn’t too late until marketers began exploring this medium.
Today, stories make brands.
Science deems it amongst the most effective tools for communication. And it is not hard to understand why. A story brings with it a narrative. It sticks with you long after you’re done reading. Sometimes it leaves a lasting impact. A story builds interest; it raises the anticipation level, something that just laying plain facts cannot do. Doesn’t it sound like a marketer’s delight?
When you’re writing a story, don’t just begin moving your pen because you fancy an idea. Sure, it might be great for later, but think of the present. Create a story that is relevant to what you’re offering customers. Get insights into what moves them, what inspires them. It is all about building an emotional connect.
If you already know who your target audience is, ensure your story aligns with their values and ideals. Readers mostly relate to stories that hint at incidences in their own life, so you may want to touch upon those. If it is a diverse target audience you’re targeting, try coming up with something that will have a mass appeal.
You’ve probably never heard of a story that lacks an element of conflict. Even if you did, it would be rare. Including a point of conflict in your storyline adds an interesting touch to it. It makes your readers anticipate the outcome.
People wouldn’t associate the business world with human values or probably any kind of emotion. This is a notion you can destroy by adding a human touch to your story. Bring in an emotional angle that will have your audience nodding in approval.
We hear stories every day. Yet it is the most unusual ones that make for great conversations and leave an impact. Give your story that unexpected twist.
Make sure your story is original and any facts you claim to be true, are indeed so. While this may sound like a broken record, it is still a valuable best practice when it comes to stories. This will build your credibility with readers.
Your story should highlight the qualities of your product very subtly. You shouldn’t have to separately specify what it can do; weave it into the storyline.
Sky is the limit when it comes to story formats. If you want to give the pen and paper a miss, you could experiment with visuals. Tell your story through a video, a podcast, or even a short infographic, the drama is always welcome.
We firmly believe in the golden rule ‘show, not tell’. You can trust LexiConn to churn out stories that tug at your readers’ emotions. Our customized stories subtly revolve around your product while still telling readers what they want to hear. The content is developed by experienced writers and editors who ensure quality is never compromised.
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